Valuations & ServicesThe process of estimating the value of an
identified interest. Lenders and Financial InstitutionsATI has been providing appraisal services to banks and financial institutions to assist in lending decisions since its inception. We work with the majority of lenders across Arizona and around the country providing full narrative reports and complete appraisal review services for every type of commercial property.
Eminent DomainWe have extensive experience in providing eminent domain valuations that estimate appropriate just compensation for both acquiring agencies and property owners. We are familiar with the Uniform Appraisal Standards for Federal Land Acquisitions as well as the Uniform Act and are able to streamline the appraisal process with our understanding of these procedural documents. We are proficient in both full acquisition and partial acquisition valuations that require complex analysis of the remainder property and any potential severance damages or special benefits that result from the acquisition of property rights. All of our appraisers have experience in eminent domain valuation and we are capable of completing large projects, consisting of several hundred appraisals, in reasonable time frames. If necessary, we are also available to provide expert witness testimony associated with any of our valuation conclusions.
Estate & Trust AppraisalsWhether you're an attorney, bank, trust department or individual, you want a qualified real estate appraiser to provide the quality appraisals you require. We not only understand the basic requirements for any appraisal, but we go beyond the basic requirements. Our many years in the appraisal field allows us to provide accurate estate and trust appraisals throughout Arizona.
Appraisal Management Company "AMC"In addition to providing complete appraisal valuation services we provide appraisal management services through our Appraisal Management Company. Our AMC acts independently as a bridge between lenders and appraisers by maintaining an updated list of approved appraisers, includes administrative services, bid processing and appraisal review.
Financial ModelingPro-forma income or cash flow projections for an asset including an estimate of market rent, potential gross income, vacancy & collection loss, expenses, capital expenditures, and leasing costs.
Economic & financial
A Professional Experience is our Guarantee